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Common Types of Burns


Sunburns are a type of radiation burn caused by prolonged exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet light. Sunburns can cause tissue damage and may accelerate aging. Fortunately, the risk of a sunburn can be reduced by wearing sunscreen. ALOCANE® Maximum Strength Emergency Burn Gel  can address the damage to the often-forgotten and most severely burned areas: the hands, feet, ears, nose and the back of the neck. Be sure to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and stay out of the sun while your sunburn is healing.

Radiation Burns

Sunburns are the most common type of radiation burn and are caused by prolonged exposure to sunlight. Other radiation burns happen as a result of radiation treatment. In clinical studies   ALOCANE® Maximum Strength Emergency Burn Gel was found to significantly help heal individuals suffering from minor radiation burns.

Thermal Burns

A thermal burn occurs when skin comes into contact with a hot object. Scalding is a form of a thermal burn caused by a hot liquid, steam or even gases. Thermal burns and scalds are the most common household burn with over 500,000 scalds occurring annually in the United States To treat minor thermal burns and scalds, run the burn under cool water to remove any debris, apply ALOCANE® Maximum Strength Emergency Burn Gel and cover the area in a loose bandage. Change the bandage as needed.

Electrical Burns

Electrical burns occur when your skin comes into contact with a dangerously strong electrical current. Minor electrical burns can happen in your home by touching an appliance with wet hands, using outdated appliances with frayed wiring or leaving outlets unprotected. ALOCANE® Maximum Strength Emergency Burn Gel can be used to treat minor electrical burns.


Frostbite is the rapid cooling or freezing of the skin, and it is by far the most common type of cold temperature burn. It is widespread among mountaineers and those exposed to extreme weather, but can even affect commuters and anyone caught waiting in the cold. Frostbite usually affects the extremitiesfirst and can occur within 30 minutes on a day with a -16°F wind chill. You can also get frostbite by using ice to treat burned skin. Mild frostbite can be treated by soaking the exposed area in warm (not hot) water; otherwise, contact a medical professional.

Chemical Burns

There are a surprising number of dangerous chemicals found in the average home. Chemical burns result from contact with strong acids or bases like those found in batteries, cleaning products, hair dye, air fresheners and oven cleaners. Some individuals can even suffer from phytophotodermatitis, or a chemical burn that develops after the skin comes into contact with lemon juice and then sunlight. Phytophotodermatitis is a painful burn and often a surprise to the unsuspecting individual. With any chemical burn, be sure to wash the area of any remaining irritants before applying ALOCANE® Maximum Strength Emergency Burn Gel.

First-Degree Burns

These minor burns damage the first layer of skin and cause mild pain, redness, swelling and increased sensitivity. These burns typically heal within 5 to 10 days, with the pain subsiding after the third day.

Second-Degree Burns

Painful blistering and deeper reddening of the skin are the most noticeable indications of a second-degree burn, signaling deeper damage into the second layer of the skin. The red area often turns white when pressure is applied. Second-degree burns usually heal in less than 2 to 3 weeks. If a second-degree burn is larger than 3 inches or covers the hands, legs or groin areas, seek medical attention immediately.

Third-Degree Burns

Damage extends to the third layer of skin, which appears white or blackened. The charred skin may even go numb, which means your nerves may be damaged. Scarring is likely and healing can take several months. For third degree burns, call 911.

Fourth-Degree Burns

Critical damage to all layers of the skin as well as charring of muscle and bone make fourth degree burns extremely dangerous. Victims of fourth degree burns experience numbness, caused by shock and nerve damage. For fourth degree burns, call 911.


Burn Foundation | WebMD | Novant Health | Safe Bee | WebMD Frostbite | Wikipedia | Mayo Clinic

Updated on 28 Oct 2024